White Round Pill 54 411 How To Take (Page 4)


How do u take a subutex? Is it the same as taking as taking a suboxone?

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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Subtext will put u under withdraw my nephew takes them monthly an he's always getting withdrawal when he runs out, so yeah both do give you withdrawals that's if your on them a long period of time, I take the suboxone strip's...

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24 hours it blocks any opiates, and thats for suboxone. If you take subutex it does not have the blocker in it known as naloxone. Good luck

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Yeah just wake up tomorrow and don't have a drug problem. If it worked like that then we would just do that. If you are not abusing the subs or Suboxone then you are doing the right thing. Don't get caught up on the definition of clean or sober. Just do you and worry about you.

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I am very dependent on Rixocodone. I plan to start tapering and withdrawals pretty deep, and take 8 mg subutex for 4 days, then 8mg suboxone for 6 days. In 10 days, will the Roxicodone be out my system long enough to where I can go back to taking one only when my back pain hurts the worst? 3 times per day, or 3 pills a week, will I be where I'm not sick if I go without them? Thanks if you can help me.

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Yes they do need to research everything thoroughly because I was told if I took the Subutex after taking Percocet I would be fine well I did and that is not true I am laying in bed now sick as a dog like I have the flu wanting to throw up people do not need to listen to other people even though they think they've done it and they know what the results are it does not work the same for everyone I am living proof of that Subutex taken after perc or anything else can make you sick as a dog

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Make sure your body is clean before taking that Subutex I know you will be fine the way you want to do it because I did it with Percocets I took Subutex for 10 days and then went back on my Percocets where I only needed one a day but this does not work for everyone everyone is different because I'm trying it again today and guess what I am sick as a dog so it's not working the second time so keep that in mind when you're reading what people are telling you

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First step, you need to take responsibility for your addiction. No one forces the pills, dope into us. I am an addict and I can function everyday. I am in pain and have RA & osteoarthritis, chronic back pain, slipped bulging discs & hip bursitis... Take Responsibility.

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Sorry but you are VERY VERY misinformed. I would take a 1 year H addiction over a 1 year sub addiction any day. In fact I tell friends I know who are trying to get off subs to use H or Oxy for a week and then try and stop. Bupenephren is a Very strong Opiate! With a very long half life which means long and terrible withdrawals. Sad that doctors don't inform patients of this..

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The very same thing could be said for methadone.. Do you consider people on methadone "clean"? Fact of the matter you are still addicted to a very strong opiate.. Best of luck.

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Wow. What is wrong with you? I have been on suboxone for 6 plus years and methadone before for 5-8! The methadone when I detoxed down to one mg then finished made me crazy.. I heard things, I ended up in a psych ward. The suboxone is ok but I had surgery in 2015 to remove my gallbladder and the dr messed up and I didn't take any sub. For a few days before that I ended up on life support and about died. The only meds I could get to help was fentanyl. It was truly horrible. I haven't taken any drugs in so long and for u to talk s*** to all these people is just wrong. Hurray, you're clean, clean but I def. see that I can function perfectly on sub where as on 180mg of methadone I couldn't. The only downside is if anyone has pain like surgery I would advise to get on the subutex without the naloxone.

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Not talking s***. I just feel that most people are completely misinformed when it comes to subs. It's a very potent maintenance opiate just like methadone. Only difference is that it's less likely to be abused because it's got a low ceiling effect and doesn't affect the "pleasure" receptors (doesn't make you feel high). I think it's great that it allows people to live more "normal" lives. However just like all opiates that hijack your natural endocrine (endorphins) system, subs make you numb to life. You don't get happy, you don't get sad. Food doesn't taste as good, music doesn't sound as good. And then if you decide you wanna stop, the w/d's make opioid w/d's seem like a walk in the park. I just wish doctors were more honest about what it really was... Instead of just trying to get you hooked so that they can receive their kickback.

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I have never took it before how much should i take of the pill

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This will throw u into straight withdrawal...horrible 24 hrs+...been there done it DO NOT DO IT POINT BLANK PERIOD i know it sucks but u have to wait until the methadone is out of your system i made the mistake and it threw me into convulsions and bad withdrawals u will have to ride it out

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Dude...don't post something you don't know...you may be numb..that because you were numb befor anything was done..you messed up your system and now mr battle witts with a what 8 grade brain because that's how you posted Subs are the future and the best battle against all...dork

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No u will not go into wds going from subtext to methadone only other way around. I work at a methqdone clinic this is a fact and w the subtext as it has zero neloxin in it most often people r ok and don't have pc wds. But I'm 100% sure no Pc wds from subs to methqdone.

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I did not know it had to go under tongue I swallowed will it still work

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I'm stuck on opioids, please help me. Before I got the great news I was stuck on painkillers. It all started with scoliosis in my back and I was prescribed tramadol. Well there it was, I had know idea that once I began to take it and go one day without it I experienced the worst withdrawals I ever had. Well the only withdrawals and it was the worst feeling ever. It was intolerable. Well I tried going that day. I didn't know I had to keep taking them. Well I experienced my first horrible withdrawl and eventually figured out it was the tramadol. Well I quit going to the doctor so of course they cut me off. Eventually I ran out of my last bottle and had no choice but to seek else were because I was too scared to face that crazy emotional rollercoaster again. As a year went by I managed to continue taking them as a friend would give me his because he didn't take them. Well the news popped out in may. I am pregnant. All I did since I found out is try and try to get off these pills. Well when I found out we did our research and experienced tramadol causes worse effects than percocet. Well im now too scared to take tramadol so I've been having to take percocet.

I haven't stopped trying to stop. I will taper over and over and it only makes my days more miserable unless I take my usual 5 a day. I can't go on like this. Every time I try going without taking them the pain is crucial, the withdrawal is crucial and either way withdrawing or taking pills it's unsafe. I know I have to let my new doctor know but im afraid of what they might do. I don't want them to take my baby after she is born in 15 weeks and it's been a non stop battle. I can't lose this baby. All I want is to get off these pills. I cry everyday because I hate taking them so bad. I hate the feeling. I hate everything about them. Once I break free from this evil experience I will never in my life touch another pill. I don't care if they don't give me anything for pain when I have my baby. That's all people say is don't tell ur doctor they won't give u anything when u have the baby!!!! Like what I don't care re flag me whatever that means. I don't care. All I want is to get off now and for good without them taking my child. I never want to go thru this again. My friend gave me some subutex pills and said to take them to try to get off so u won't have to tell ur doctor and they won't take the baby. Well I can't keep taking all this different crap. Please tell me what to do? I know there has to be at least one women that made it out successfully. I also work full time which makes it even more harder and I have a 4 year old that goes to school and is in karate. He is on the low spectrum of autism and does great with the interaction. He's also in therapy twice a week for speech a opt so I am a very busy women witch makes it even more harder for me. I feel like im falling apart trying to do everything else and also get off pills but right now this and my son is my only priority, so if u know what I can do without risking my son or my baby and being able to get off and away from this completely, please reach out to me asap.

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Re: mgw (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I know what you mean, I thought it was something I could easily overcome. But recently lost my apt. And car, now just taking suboxone but I break the strip into 6 pieces trying to lower the dose but those pills really grab you fast, and take everything

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Re: kristen (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

No it wouldn't actually. Once it has desolved you can spit it out the medicine should not be swallowed as you go that is the less effective way.

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If ypu think people that have their lives together and aren't clean just cuz they take a suboxone pill once a day to stop them from abusing drugs...then you are regretfully a very misinformed person. Suboxone has saved countless lives. And allows people to find hope again and rebuild their lives. I know...I'm one of them. I am a success story and I know many many others that are also. You are a hurtful and negative person to judge people in recovery just because your miserable about your own personal choices.

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