Sudden Withdrawal From Neurontin (Page 3)


I have been taking 600 mg of Neurontin 4x a day for about 2 years and recentlty ran out of this medication due to excrutiating slow service from mandatory mail order RX company.... I was extremely agitated during this time (approx. 5 days), nervous, stressed out, etc. Has anyone else had these symptons as a result of sudden withdrawal from Neurontin? I can't understand why this happened, I felt so scared and lousy for that time. Is this a known reaction for this med? I haven't been able to find an answer. I take it for relief from carpel tunnel syndrom. Thanks

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I am 19 and have been on gabapentin for 4 years now and was put on it by childrens phoenix hospital for nerve ending damage in my kidneys from too many kidney stones. I have been trying to get off it for two years. recently i went down a 100mg and have server shaking in my whole body to the point where i cant write. I have server anxiety and my emotions are all over the place. it has been 4 days since i have gone down and i still am having server side effects. I went to my pain management doctor and to a neurologist today and both of them said that the gabapentin did not cause this and that i need to see a psychiatrist. Before the gabapentin i never had anxiety or mood swings before being put on the gapapentin. I went to my primanry care doctor and he was the first doctor that i have seen that finally agreed with me that all the problems that i have been experiancing are from coming down on the gabapentin. i am only able to come down 100mg every month and im still have server side effects. My doctor found on MedScape (internet site for doctors) that there have been studies shown that server side effects do happen with coming down on gabapentin. The side effects are very similar to alcohol withdrawls and have to be treated the same way. Every person is different but for me it has been hell. There is such of a thing call Gabapentin Withdrawl Syndrom and you have to treat its like alcohol withdrawls. benzodiazepines are used to help with the withdrawl symptoms. I was on 4800 mgs af gabapentins a day and now i am finally down to 900mg a day. My doctor wrote me a perscription for 5mg vallium i can take up to 3 times a day and it has really helped my withdrawl symptoms. It will probably take me another year before im fully off but thank god for my primary care doctor who believed me.

Tell your doctor to look on Medscape the article is titled Withdrawl Symptoms After Gabapentin Discontinuation. It talks about multiple case studies where the people have side effects after coming off the gabapentin and they were givin benzodiaepines and that didnt work. the only thing that made the withdrawl symptoms stop was to go back on the gabapentin. I am going to school to become a doctor so i have access to the site so i copied the conclution from the case study "and A patient developed apparent withdrawal symptoms beginning two days after gabapentin therapy was discontinued. The symptoms were unresponsive to treatment with benzodiazepines but completely resolved with the reinitiation of gabapentin therapy."

I started the vallium today and boy did it make the anxiety and shaking and mood swings go away. Each month when i decrees i will take the vallium for that week of hell til my body adjusts then i will be fine. I will be doing that over the next week until im finally off of it! i have had 4 hospitals and 8 different doctors tell me im crazy and gabapentin doesnt have those side effects until my primary care doctor did his research and found all this infomation. There are so many lawsuits agains the makes of Gabapentin for wrongfully advertising and also for having it used other then what what FDA approved. There are also so many patients who have been put on it either for uses other then what the FDA approved it for and for server side effects who are now suing the manufactures and making money for the pain and suffering, medical bills, as well as other expenses.

There can be permanant damages done from gabapentin/neurontin so i suggest you guys talk to your doctor to make out a plan to get off of it because it can re-wire your brain as well as many other complications. It is an emotion stress but you guys are not alone i promise! im 19 and even went suicidal once because of this horrible drug and i have always been the happiest girl before i got on this. It will be tough but you can do it. i suggest NEVER going on amitriptyline and topamax to help you get off cause you will have such a hard time coming off of that. Vallium is better to be perscribed then xanax because coming off gabapentin you have a high rist for seizures even if you never had them before so the vallium actually helps to prevent that! It can take up to a couple years before all the side effects go away if they even do. Aso Magnesium attaches to the same brain receptors as the Gabapentin so you can take up to 800mg a day as my nutritionist told me and it really helps with the side effects. Make sure you go to your health food store and get the best quality you can buy cause the better the quality the better it works! I hope this information helps you guys cause i have been going through hell for over 4 years and now im finally getting the help i need!

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I too was on Neur/Gab for peripheral neuropathy and I had a bad bad reaction after about three months I became very agitated and hostile, I even got into a fight with my neighbor. This drug made me dizzy, hard to breathe felt like something was sitting on my chest, and now after the agitation, the doctor is weaning me off and I feel lousy. Still agitated and having trouble sleeping. Yesterday and today I've had a weird feeling in my chest kind of reminds me of pleurisy. I can't wait till this drug is out of my system it's been a horrible three months. good luck to everyone withdrawing and yeah I don't think cold turkey is a good way to withdraw from any drug but consult your doctor. thanks.

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I know this is an older post but I recently have been researching Gabapentin/Neurontin withdrawal. I have been taking 800mg Gabapentin for two years now, numerous times a day. To start with 2 pills would make me feel wonderful, put me in the best mood, and ease all of my pain from carpal tunnel. I immediately began to abuse my medication because of the "numb" feeling it gave me...and now have began to run out of my medicine before refill time...therefore doomed to experience withdrawals for the first time. A few weeks ago I ran out 3 days early and experienced extreme nausea, insomnia, night sweats, nervousness, waking up early with a racing heart, depression, loss of appetite, etc...I swore I wouldn't let it happen again but once I was able to get my meds I've now run out over a week early and have two 300mg pills left. I'm terrified of the withdrawal symptoms that await me. I had no idea this drug could do this because it is NOT a narcotic... I would like to know if anyone has found ways to survive this without feeling like dying? Vitamins perhaps or tips to help avoid some of the symptoms. I've heard medicines like Lexapro, Buspar, etc can help with the anxiety and I do have a bottle of Buspar that I've considered starting but don't know if this may actually worsen symptoms since I've not taken the med in over a year. I would love any support, help, tips, whatever I can get. I'm only 24 but luckily currently not working so I can take care of myself at home through this process. I just hate to be laid up sick for days because I am hiding this addiction/problem from my family... and so unfortunately I am going through this alone. I used to work for a Dr. so I cannot turn to my physician for this because I want it to stay private as possible. PLEASE HELP IN ANY WAY!!!!!!!!!

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After my previous post several months ago regarding whether Neurontin causes with drawl symptoms, I have since seen a new doctor d/t recent move, and was told that it indeed does cause with drawl side effects and that the dose should ALWAYS be tapered off by a doctor. So no, I wasn't going crazy that day after going with out a dose for 24 hours and neither is anyone else who is experiencing weird reactions after stopping it suddenly. Even though it is not a controlled substance, it still effects the gaba receptors (pleasure center) and there is potential for discomfort if we stop using it suddenly after long term use. It also depends on how long you've taken it and how high of a dose you are on. And of course, every one reacts differently to a medication. I was also informed by some one else, that d/t the medications effect on the gaba receptors, it is similiar to alcohol with drawl after long term use. So with any medication, it is always wise to discuss with your doctor when prescribed a med it's long term potential for harm full side effects and/or with drawl risks. In my case, the med's side effects out weigh the risks, and I am not on a very high dose to begin with compared to other's I've read about on this site. Hope this reply helps. Good Luck! xxx

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i once took a terrible drug from crazy psychiatrist called oxycarbazine was okay then went generic felt sick stopped taking worst withdrawal ever for a month i thrashed around in bed could not sleep for 4 days so sick for a month long withdrawal similar to neurontin. stop taking it but get tranquilizers while going through long month of withdrawal sorry you did not know how bad these drugs are worse than heroin

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I take 900mg of Neurontin 3 times a day and I have had the same issues when suddenly stopping the medicine before as well! During that time it is hard for me to sleep and after a few days may pain level is elevated to the point that I can almost not move... i take it for Fibromyalgia and I definitly do NOT recomend anyone ever let yourself run out of your daily dose! Or atleast I have found that for myself it is a horrible idea!!

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I was given 900 mg of neurontin for severe muscle pain, twitching and spasms and took it every day for almost 4 years. One day I heard myself on a tape recorder and I was horrified! I sounded drunk! My thinking wasn't clear and I could not focus or concentrate. I weaned myself off neurontin in 2 weeks and almost immediately started sweating profusely! I couldn't sleep and my legs would suddenly jump. But within a couple of months the anxiety was too much and I was put back on neurontin - just 200 mg a day. After taking neurontin again for 3 months I weaned off it again but now I'm taking lexapro daily and xanax only if I get panic attacks to counteract my anxiety that I have now. I firmly believe that the anxiety is temporary and I'll wean off the lexapro slowly.
I believe the neurontin helped me but after 2 years of exercise and therapy I should have started weaning off it. It's an incredibly strong, highly addictive medicine. I felt like my intelligence, sharpness and heart faded NOW I incredibly happy to feel and think clearly!!

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I experienced weight gain, but did not realize it was form the medicaiton. I had been on Neurontin for approx 10 years for perifiral nerve pain ( botched back surgery), and decided to wean off. It is now four months later and I am 20lbs lighter. Unfortunatley, the pain is back and almost unbearable. Dr. does not believe that the Neurontin cause the weight gain, but can't explain the weight loss either. Seems I may have to restart the neurontin - will be anxious to see if the weight returns.

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I have been on Neurontin/Gabapentin for 11 years now and I have a withdrawal story to tell. I take this drug with Morphine for Spinal Stenosis and Cervical Radiculopathy that I have had since Cervical surgery in 1999. I believe that it truly helps me, but last year I decided to wean myself off of it (without Dr. approval) because I was tired of taking so many pills. I did wean off slowly from 2400 mg. and it was HELL. But, my story doesn't end there. After 2 whole months of being off of Neurontin, I started getting these terrible shaking episodes totally out of the blue. I would get dizzy and drop to the ground. It happened at least 3 or 4 times a week and often in public. I was embarassed and frightened at the same time. The last "episode" before I went to the Doctor scared me to death. I just reached up in the closet to grab a shoe box and I started shaking so hard that I got extremely afraid of falling and hurting myself. My husband ran in when I screamed and helped me to the floor. I do not have epilepsy, but it seemed like a seizure to me. The room was spinning and I could hear my husband but I could not respond. Anyway I went to the Doctor and he told me to go back on the Neurontin. I did and the "seizures" stopped. Now I am afraid to be without Neurontin. I never want to go through that again. And it was 2 months after I weaned off of the drug that this happened! I am certain that this drug caused all of this and yet, what am I to do. I NEVER had a seizure in my life before this. I wish I had never started this drug. I haven't told my Doctor about my suspicions. I fear he will just blow me off. Has this happened to anyone else?

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I was previously taking Lyrica for neuropathy but it was causing some memory loss so we switched to neurotin. The second week in it started interferring with my Lamictal so my doctor weaned me off of it. But now my neuropathy has gone from numbing pain to horrid pain maybe 200 times worse. Im at my wits end with this pain and hope my doctor can prescribe something when I see her today.

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I have been taking Neurotin 3600 mg a day for neuropathy for a couple of years. I recently had a brief period of time that I ran out. I tried to make it about a week until I got my refill. It was the most terrible time of my life. The depression got so bad I had to go to mental hospital. I felt suicidal and really fatigued. I could not sleep at all. I'm scared to ween my self off because I never want to feel that way again. I would recommend that no one ever get on this terrible drug. I'm sorry I ever ran into this drug. Anybody have any suggestions on what to do.

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how long the withdrawal last

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I have been on Neurontin for years, I occasionally try to take myself off the drug. I went cold turkey which is a big mistake. At night well trying to go to sleep I develop itchiness all over my body. I am assuming that it is a withdrawal symptom. Have come to the conclusion I need to stay on the medicine prescribed. Anybody have a similar reaction?

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I have been on Neurontin for about 4 years, 900 mg a day. I noticed lately that I can't remember things from 5 minutes ago and my daughter noticed it too so I told my Dr I wanted to get off this stuff. I had already went from 3 pills a day to 2 about 2 weeks earlier and he prescribed 100 mg pills and said to go down 100 mg a week until your off. I was stubborn and figured I had already weaned myself down so why not go faster. Well, that doesn't work!! I have been sweating profusely everywhere. I looked up profuse sweating on the net and thats a condition your born with. This never happened before so i know its the drug withdrawl Now I have to go back up in dose to try to stop this. I used to barely sweat now it's all day everyday it seems. This medication is horrible, if you're just starting on it get off now or ASAP.

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been taking 400mg neurontin 3x daily ~ only 9 months, because I got tired of the drugged feeling, I cut back to 300mg 2x day and 400mg 1x day, the drugged feeling left, but after a much higher level of pain, restless leg, agitation, all within the first day, the second day the withdrawal symptoms became very serious, everything I've read in the above posts I've experienced, (except for a seizure) and it's only the second day. since I have serious chronic pain, I can't quit or I would.
Pain medicines, especially those which control nerve pain seem to only hold it back, when one quits, or takes less of the medicine the "dam bursts" and all the nerve pain and other things come flooding through.. when that happens.. it's terrible.
Yes,.. nerve medicine withdrawal is incredibly worse that Opioid narcotic medicines, because nerve medicines are so much more effective at blocking nerve pain.. or so it seems to me. another medicine that was a real nightmare - Elavil (Amitriptyline)

but then I really don't know how bad Neurontin is .. . yet

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I'm also taking neurotin 300mg twice a day and 600mg at night for nerve pain. It's not working so well for me now but I don't want to increase the dose. Now I feel caught if I try to go off I'll have severe pain and withdrawal symptoms. Theres not much out there for neuropathy. I feel very scared at times. Let us know how things are going for you in your quest to rid yourself of this drug. Good luck.

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Does it cause severe headaches, I've had one for 5 days now and I can only link it to neurontin withdrawl

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You experienced the same as I, with my additional feeling my skin was going to peel off my body, extreme paranoia, for real scarey thoughts of suicide. I wwnt out to find a good pharmacy after waiting 2 days for Walmart to get their shipment in. You have to taper off this. And the doc's wanted to keep upping the doseage...yikes!

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I have been on Neurotin for about 6 months - 300mg twice a day. I read all the side effects on the internet and became very frightened; however, Neurotin did not stop my pain in my feet/Neuropathy. Thus I decided to stop taking this drug. I cut down to one pill per day for a few days and then just stopped completely....all in a week's time. I haven't had any withdrawal symptons and my feet actually feel better. I did purchase a foot bath and when needed I just soak my feet before retiring for bed. I'm shocked that it was so easy for me and soooooooooo happy that my feet do not burn or hurt with those stabbing pins and needles. May I add that I sleep so much better now and will not go back on that one ever. This is what happened to me. I am Diabetic and have a low thyroid.....many complications...but the medicine was getting much and I knew I had to give up something. So grateful I could give up Neurotin as I have read not such a good drug.

Hope this helps. My pharmacy recommended that I taper off over about a month; but, I didn't wait that long. If I had felt any withdrawal feelings, I would have started back on one and tapered like my pharmacy said. Guess I was lucky or my GOD was taking care of me.

Bless you and wishing you the best!

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I have been taking Gabapentin for over a year for fibrous I was taking 3600mgs a day and tapered down to 900mgs. I went down to 1 pill 300mgs like the Doctor told me I could. I got a horrible migrain so I went beck to 900mgs she said headaches are normal and wants me to go on imatrex had anyone else had problems with headaches?

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