Side Effect Cataspa


during menustration i undergo a lot of pain in my abdomen i take cataspa whenever my abdomen undergoes pain is it safe?

8 Replies

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Hi, Shona!

Cataspa contains the active ingredient Diclofenac, it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation.

Learn more Cataspa details here.

Have you consulted a doctor to see what's causing the pain?

Contrary to what many believe, suffering such pain during menstruation is not normal and doesn't have to happen.

There are quite a few reasons that it may occur, most of which can be easily fixed.

One reason it could be happening is due to a deficiency in Magnesium, thus the solution can be as simple as eating more Magnesium rich foods or taking a supplement.

Another reason could be due to being low in the hormone progesterone and that is also easy to supplement back.

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iam also taking cataspa as iam having a stone in my left ureter which is 8mm i take cataspa and it goes for 4 hrs. wanna know does it affect liver??

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I am 22 year old. I am taking Cataspa tablet every first day of my menstrual cycle every month for backache.

Is it safe?

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I take Cataspa .. atleast twice a day during my menstrual cycle. . I can't bear the pain and I feel Cataspa ease my pain .. is it harmfull

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I take cataspa twice for 3days.. Is it harmful?

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Is this catspa tablet is harmfull if we use 3 a day during menuration

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Hello ma'am, i get severe pain during my periods frm d day i got matured,i used to take cyclopam,spasmoprayon,bescopam etc one type of tablet for 2 3 months but after this they stoped working and i needed to change d tablet. I consulted many doctors they reffered scanning n it was normal n they prescribed me pain killers. Right now im using cataspa tablet i tuk it on my date of period before d periods started pain reduced but bleeding dint start for 5 6 days. I get pain n i take this tablet pain disappears but bleeding does nt start. Still my periods dint start n only white discharge is there... I get pain lyk periods is about to start so i eat tabltet but after eating pain disappears n bleeding too.. Is this because of tablet ???? N why do i get hell lot of pain???
Plz reply. My age is 20 n i matured at d age of 12

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Hello mam is it true that I heard cataspa tablets are banned now which is helpful to me in periods time. When I taken this tablet my pain is reduced but my head gots ache full day I didn't have energy to do anything. My age is 22.

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