Onax 2 - An Effective Generic For Xanax? (Page 3)


Anyone ever heard of ONAX 2mg, and is it an effective generic for Xanax (Alprazalom)?

115 Replies (6 Pages)

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America makes top quality EVERYTHING. If u are offended by this statement u will hopefully learn that denial is a tough cookie. As for ur meds.....im sure they are well supervised in a nice luxurious sweatshop. God bless u.

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"We really apology for the product being not liked by you, if you are interested we can send you the sample of Onax 2 mg bars we have, they are really very good and are very much in demand with us.

Thank You!"

Name: james s.
Email: {edited for privacy}
Phone: {edited for privacy}


i am very sorry to say that these 3mg xanax xr probably contain less than 1mg per pill. iam not saying this becouse i want my mony back i am only letting you know you have lost 1tens of thousands of dollors in future perches you may claim that there all within a 10 to 20 % + or - i am 48 and been around the block acouplew times. but now i have to start all over with another one of these sites first with a small order. your shipping polic was superb as well as your online support i am going to dump these down the toilet was prepared to order a very large shipment and even upend my credit card limit if you want to rectify this situation i would send all but 4 back these are absolute fakes don't bother responding if your not man enofe to do whats write i am involved in several online chats and as a senior member many people vale my criticism or praise this is the s*** ive been dealing with would sure apprecate your link iam 48 and been doing xanax since the 80s think it was 1983 docs gave em out like pez same with valum then polliticly correct s*** storm hit here we are in 2013 and talking to your doc about alprazolam is like asking him for crack. well i could go on for ever about the hypocrisy of the serpant that is swallowing its tail molecules that cause untold suffering not from the substance (maybe 1%) but from the self fulfilling plan brought forth by Nixon ,Herbert hover targeting undesirables those who had aproblem murdering people in Vietnam cocaine ,Racism pot eradication of Mexicans there is one for almost all narcotics . then the rest of the problems were all contained in the comprehensive schedule control act president Nixon its a receipt for decimation to the addict population that is ever present at any given time jails ,large police forces huge prision populations that turn addicts into super criminals prostitution staving and neglected kids overdose variable concentrations drug crime well igot my s*** off sorry dude about the link

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As someone who has tried them both..the real XANAX/2, and the ONAX/2..i think the ONAX/2 are to me even better..maybe not for everyone , but for me i think they are better...

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thanks for your opinion, but things are not that easy for the people who have no insurance and no checks every month and paying for them out of pocket..and where do you think this make us addicts, when is P.T.S.D. make me or anyone else with a disorder that an addict, the rape and beating of me does what makes me too scared to leave my home without not being able to breath and so much anxiety that i just shut down!!! a little education goes along ways!

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no we don't we just have more variety i live in america and i know us we just pop pills and drink like fish

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Can anyone please send me a good source to order from I got the onax and when I let it dissolve in my mouth it tasted lake nothing plus it felt like melted chalk in my mouth

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Ii ordered 1000 from an online site. Half fake wouldn't replace

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Yes they may be overpriced but they are safe. Onax 2 are junk. I tried them and the did nothing but burn. No alprzolam for sure.

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Tried em and there terrible and they were real most generic piece of junk there is

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yes they are genaric 2mg xanax and they are stronger good value from India my panic is gone and I am sleeping the whole night.....A wonderful product!

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India is the best look up pharmacies in the wiki and you will know what xanax is called in every country in the world. Always do you research.

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Lol you are silly and were taught hate. Too bad for you. Not all Americans think that way and in case you didn't know there are people in the us that make fake onax and try to pass it off for the real thing, hence the question. Perhaps you are the arrogant one.

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they taste slightly different than Xanax. aren't quite as strong, and are huge in size comparison. I like Xanax much better but they have similar effects

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Swift are absolute garbage you have no clue what you are talking about.

Cipla are ok but severely understrengthed.

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Tommy says "I know Buy-Best-Steroids Is total legit, to door in 5 days"

It is a FELONY punishable by Federal Prison to order controlled medicine, especially from another Country!

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Theres two different Kinds of onex on the streets the majority are placebos (booze bars) containing absolutely no alprazolam. And then there's the legit onex (vertical 2 on one side onex on the other) that contains 2mg of alprazolam. Both the booze and legit onex i have personally test with my controlled substance test kit. The variant of booze onex stay pink after cracking the solution. And the vertical 2's turned pink to blue confirming that they contain benzo.

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If anybody knows of a good source that I could order from please let me know. I would like it if you could cite your sources or something um hopefully somebody who has a few posts let me know

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I agree with this post they def are almost bunk whether you taste, or rounded corners, crumble you feel a tiny tiny bit of full 2mg

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U from w.v ..me too. It's so hard for The people that really need it because of the people that just get it to abuse it

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