Norco Shortage In Michigan (Page 2)


Is anyone else having problems finding a pharmacy to fill their scripts of Norco? I have been taking them for a few years now for my chronic pain. I always go to the same pharmacy chain, and its always the same doctor who writes my scripts, but since the new law change no one seems to have them in stock. Some pharmacists told me it was a manufacturer back order. We are told not to go without our meds, but yet how is that possible if we can't get them? Anyone knows of a pharmacy that has Norco 10/325 in the metro Detroit area?

353 Replies (18 Pages)

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They have them at rite aide on duck lk rd and 59

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I hear that people who are on narcotic drugs can get a stroke or a heart attack. I don't know how true it is. I hear that every state don't want to fill narcotic medication. Good Luck, I hope you can find a pharmacy that will fill your scipts. The DEA should go after people who goes doctor shopping and abuses it and to people who are selling it. I don't know why they have to punish people who does need it and uses their meds as directed.

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are the yellow ?

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No they don't I called and checked !

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same thing in n florida. i have been to every pharmacy in my town. they said hopefully by monday. i have severe back problems and take 40-80mg a day just so i can walk. just took my last 10/325. this weekend is going to be really bad.

a tip to anyone about to go into withdraws, gabapentin is the miracle drug for withdraws. completely stops the worse parts, you can function until you get your rx filled. you will have to experience with the dose. therapeutic dose starts at 900mg a day, but is prescribed all the way to 4,800mg if needed. it is a very safe drug. i have 20 300mg pills, going to stretch them out, but if i had known this was going to happen i would have saved more. personally for me (your effective dosage may be different) taking 900mg 3 times a day makes it almost painless. no stomach problems, no pain, sweats, chills, etc. i hope this helps someone.

gabapentin is not a controlled substance. if you call your dr and ask they will probably call it in for you. call your dr that prescribes your pain meds, explain the situation and they will most likely call it in. if it is a pain management dr they will be aware of the off label use of gabapentin for wds.

Google "gabapentin for withdrawals" for more info. i truly hope this helps someone out there.

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Same issue here in Houston, tx. I just recently had a double spine surgery, due to degn disc disease. I have been taking norco 10/325 unfortunately for a few years now. I had 1 refill left that was prescribed to me before the new law hit in the beginning of October, but walgreens wiped all those out apparently, so I went to the doctor, got new scripts. I go to Walgreens and they are completely out. They didn't even have any substitutes to get me by. After visiting about 12 pharmacies today, No one could tell me when they would have it again. I keep getting, "its on back order". They really don't seem to care, and there is no sense of urgency. I called my dr. And asked them what I was supposed to do for I cannot simply just stop taking this medicine,it is not safe to do. They told me if I can find a pharmacy who can do a substitute they will write me a new script for whatever they had on hand. I got really lucky and found a Walgreens that had 50 left of the norco 5/325, however it wasn't in my neck of the woods, but the drive was worth not going through pain and withdrawl for who knows how long. I feel relieved for the meantime, but am worried for when it's time to refill again, I hope they get s*** figured out, bc it's not right to make the suffering suffer even harder, when they are not the abusers but really actually need it.

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Same here in Clarkston, Mi. everyone is out of norcos. I went to fill my prescription today, not knowing there was an issue. Pharmacy's are still unable to order them from the manufactures. They are still on back order. I will be calling the manufacturer. This is ridiculous. Its very sad that so many legitimate chronic/acute pain patients are suffering from extreme pain, intensified by dangerous withdrawls tonight. Thanks to the abusers and drug dealers. I am sure the ER's have been filling up. Shame on these manufacturers for not being prepared for this.

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I will try Rite Aid, thank you..

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We are all in the same boat. Nothing here in michigan at all. Just got my script and not able to get it filled. I have chronic back pain.

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work in Highland...Very helpful, they do have some available. Hopefully, there are not sold out by morning. Thank you!

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I am having the same problem like everyone else is, in NE Florida. I have had 6 back surgeries which have resulted in a total of 8 vertebrae being fused (C3 to T1 and L6 to S1). I have been using the same pharmacy for years. As an RN, of 31 years, I find this situation reprehensible. This action, by the DEA, is unfair to all patients that require pain relief. I am now flat on my back in bed until this situation is cleared up. I am worried that I may develop DVT'S (blood clots in legs) from being immobile. I am on disability now, since my last surgery. I truly hope this situation is resolved soon. I think it is unfair to put so many people in pain through this.

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Wow, so sorry you're going through that. I'm post op two discectomies and my biggest fear is that I'll have to end up fused in the way that you are. I really hope you get some relief.

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Changes coming for some pain medicines

September 3rd 2014, American Academy of Pain Management

On August 22, 2014, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) made a rule that puts new controls on some kinds of pain medicine. This rule comes after lots of government agencies and groups for people with pain, people with drug abuse problems, and healthcare providers have discussed it for more than 10 years.

The DEA’s rule will goes into effect on October 6, 2014. It will cause some big changes to how some pain medicines are prescribed. We want you to know about these changes, so that you can work with your healthcare providers to keep from running out of medicine.

What medicines are affected?

There are 65 brand names of these medicines on the market, as well as their generic versions. Here are some of the brand names, as well as a way to know if your generic medicine is affected:

Vicodin, Vicodin ES, Vicodin HP
Lortab, Lorcet, Lorcet Plus
Cough medicines including hydrocodone
•Any other medicine that includes the word “hydrocodone” and one of the following:

If you have refills left on your prescription

After the new rule goes into effect on October 6, pharmacies will not be able to refill prescriptions for these medicines. If you already have a prescription, and it has refills left on it, those refills will be canceled on October 6, and you will need to get a new prescription from your prescriber.

Also, after the rule goes into effect, your prescriber will not be able to call in a prescription for these medicines to the pharmacy. If you are going to keep taking these medicines and need a new prescription, you will need to get a new written prescription from your prescriber.

This means that, if you are going to need a refill after October 6, it would be a good idea for you to talk to your prescriber now, so the two of you can decide how to get you the prescription you will need.

Some prescribers might decide that they need to have you come in for an office visit before writing a new prescription. Others might decide that they can just write a prescription and have you pick it up at their office.

Other details for your prescriber

The new rules will no longer allow refills, but there is a way that you can get prescriptions with enough medicine to last for three months. Your prescriber will need to know about how to do this, and will need to write your prescriptions in a certain way to make this happen. If your prescriber does not know about this, he or she can find information about the rules here.

A final word: Keep your medicines safe

The DEA is making this new rule because a lot of people don’t use their pain medicines the way they should be used. Sometimes, people use pain medicines without having a prescription for them. That is very dangerous, and they can die if they do that.

When they are asked, most people who use pain medicines that don't have a prescription say that they got the medicine from a friend or a relative. Sometimes they say they got it for free, sometimes they say they bought it, and sometimes they say they stole it.

Because a lot of people who don't have a prescription want to get these medicines, it is very important that you keep them in a safe place. If you have a place where you can lock them up, please use it. If you don’t have a place like that, please hide your pain medicines in a place where no one would think to look for them. And importantly, don’t tell anyone else where they are, because you might not know who wants to get them.

If you have medicines left over, for any reason, please get rid of them as soon as possible. The DEA and your local police or sheriff’s department usually have special “take-back” days in April and October of each year. At other times, you can mix your extra medicines with something unpleasant, like used kitty litter or used coffee grounds, put them into a sealed plastic bag, and then put them into your household trash. Just be as sure as you can that no one who doesn't have a prescription will be able to get them out of your trash and use them.

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Norco manufactures.... Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Senior Vice President 484-216-7158.....Vintage/Qualitest Pharmaceuticals- 800-444-4011

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Healthcare 8/22/2014 @ 1:55PM 206 586 views

New Rules For Hydrocodone: What You Should Know

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Welcome readers: In the month that this post has been up, it has generated abundant discussion among patients taking hydrocodone. Most important to me are those whose voices were not heard in the decision-making process and who will be extremely inconvenienced by the upscheduling of this drug. If you have a personal story to share, please comment below {edited for privacy}. I plan on writing an update after the October 6 change. Thank you for reading.

* * * * *

IMPORTANT UPDATE, October 4: Some of you have reported learning that all prescriptions for hydrocodone combination products have been nullified for post-October 6 refill by many of your pharmacies. Although the DEA rule does indeed allow your current prescriptions to be refilled, it appears that conflicts with state pharmacy laws are causing your refills to be denied without a new prescription on or after October 6.

In response to the DEA allowance, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores has said, “‘However, state law, insurance limitations and some pharmacy quality and safety operations and processes may not allow for these prescriptions to be refilled.’

Citing efforts to work with healthcare stakeholders, including prescribers and patient groups, to help prevent any potential disruptions to healthcare delivery, NACDS expressed concern in its comments stating,

‘Most states have not provided clarity with respect to whether such refills will be valid under state law. Moreover, most pharmacies will not be able to process such refills due to existing quality and safety operations and processes; such pharmacy operations and processes cannot be modified in a mere 45-day time frame,” NACDS said in its statement.

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Unfortunately, when everyone starts going through withdrawal and can't stand the pain they will turn to H for relief. Our government at it's finest!!!

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Thanks for you good wishes and sympathy. I hope you won't end up with more surgeries. Good luck.

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Long Beach CA same thing, no one seems to have it til "maybe Tues" CRAZY! I'm calling mfr to add my name to the list of PISSED off patients....

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