Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 4)


What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

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Very true I believe these are the same ones from a rehab

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I'm so sorry i had to use a different pharmacy today to get my methadone... They gave me the asc 116 , and they suck big time. Had to take five ten mg and still don't feel s*** and my pain is still here..

Sorry but I disagree with anyone that says it's in your pissed....

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Hydromorph sucks have your doc. Switch you the only way it seems to work is in a liquid give at the hospital

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if you get a different pill then before and did not notice it was different. I mean sure it is round and white like the 54/142's but they are smaller and lighter I noticed as far as whether they are better or worse, I just started taking the asc 116 and can't tell any difference yet, Hopefully I won't. I do believe different generics are better and some are pure crap!

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I've been on methadone for years now and I always got the ones with the imprint 5771 or 54 172 and always worked for my back pain I just got thes new acsend ones yesterday with acs 116 and took my usual dose in the morning and almost went into full withdraws went back to the pharmacy and they wouldnt trade them out I'm pissed stay AWAY from these they should be put OUT OF BUSINESS they're a JOKE and will NOT help with pain or withdraws so I'm screwed now thanks for NOTHING CRAPPY ACSEND!!!

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I've go to a clinic and have taken all brands and generics of methadone. All were about the same EXCEPT the asc 116. They were horrible. Barely kept me from being sick. Felt like I was on the verge of getting sick over the 3 days I took them.

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I've had the same issue with the 116's. I think they're horrible. I feel lIke I'm on the verge of getting sick when I'm on them. I feel your pain lol

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Hey everyone,

I have myself always was fond of the rectangle ones with the M with the square outlining the M, then I tried changing pharmacies due to Walgreens always not having it in stock so I went to 24hr CVS who carry the round 54-142 but last month they messed up and didn't have even close to the quantity I get 310 and this is the nonsense I dealt with years ago with Walgreens because when they didn't have it I honestly would drive to at times and last month I went to 6 different pharmacies 24hrs and regular and either no we don't have that in stock at the moment or don't have that quantity and finally I said the hell with it and I tried the Walgreens I stopped goin to and yes they had it! So lucky #7 had it but the pharmacist told me that they are not the same as CVS was giving me (54-142) so I said well they're 10mg Methadone right? Yes just different manufacturer so I said that's fine thinking it was gonna be the rectangle ones and I picked them up and nope at first glance I thought they were 54-142 but when I went to take them I saw the ASC 116 so in my opinion they aren't stronger and they may be a tad bit weaker but I also re hurt my back worse so I can't be sure but as withdrawals go Nope neva not even close. I've been taking Methadone since 2006 and was on everything out there til a year b4 I was on OC's from 98-2005 also Fentanyl Dilauded Opana Percs Vic's everything in Between so I was really f***ed up I was an addict 100% but I saw another Dr who asked if I'd be willing to try Methadone for pain instead of going back on all the other crap so I agreed and I'm very happy I did!!! You do get that opioid/opiate euphoric feeling but only for 3-5 days then that stops but pain relief is 2nd to none like the others I felt like they only worked when I was high but as soon as it was gone my back would start hurting again etc and the more u take. So he started me on 50mg a day the first month then moved me to 80 mg but I still needed a lil more so I talked to my primary care dr and said all I do is drive to the other dr just to get a script so could you just write it etc and he agreed which helps me a lot and as of 2008-09 I've been on 100mg a day til a few months ago now it's 110mg but don't notice much difference to it but two.

More or 120mg feels like it did when I was put on 100mg at first on a 1-10 my pain is back to being bearable most days it's say 5 but I always have days were it's 7-8 and on my best days which is like 2 days or so a month it might be like a high 3-4 but that's only about 20-30 days a year. So I don't seem to notice a difference between the 54-142 and the ASC-116 but I agree that the ones with the M and scored on the other seemed to work the best and no way could some1 pass a whole tab out methadone is extremely water soluble that's why once it touches your tongue or anything wet it starts to disintegrate so your full of sh??it !!!' That's for all three companies they all go to mush instantly when anything wet touches them some of the inactive ingredients or fillers and binders don't all disappear when they mix the orange 40mg tabs with water the lil pieces left behind are inert ingredients not the Methadone. I've almost threw up if I didn't have a drink right there in my other hand or in front of me and would almost lose my meds from gagging so I'm well aware of methadone and other opiates/opioids from taking them myself. For myself I wish I was giving this before I got all messed up on the other painkillas. Because methadone for myself here's my pluses compared to say OC's etc.. Ok after awhile u don't catch a buzz or high unless u abuse them so now my heads nice and clear, Pain relief is 2nd to none for myself, u can take it all in one dose or split it up, I don't look at the time to see if it's time to pop more, also I have a much much more better quality of life like night and day and I'm not bugging out if I run low so I apologize for the length but it is what it is so goodluck and stay healthy!Thanks

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I've been taking all kinds of pills during my 27 years on earth and know codes on pills so well that my friends call me as a reference. When it comes to dones the Mallinkrodt, Roxanne, and the ascend are too similar to b**** about. Manufacturers cannot alter the amount by more than 10% either way. That's so minute guys. I just switched from Malli to ascend and feel no difference at all. Things are psychosomatic with pills more than you'd think.

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Sorry. You are completely wrong!! The difference in some of these drugs is mind boggleing. If there were no difference nobody would think about complaining.

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I am a board certified registered nurse going back for my NP and I have been on methadone for 10 years. The ascend 116's are horrible I have never had any issue with generic medications in the past. There is something wrong with these pills after a few days on these pills my pupils became dilated I felt weak and sick. I called the pharmacy right away. They put on my file Malinkrodt only. I think that if we all go on the FDA website and report the Ascend 116's they have to do something. Please don't lump all healthcare professionals together, most know that some gerics don't work well for certain people.

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I had them all and I don't feel any difference between the three of them.

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FYI I have been on Meth 10 gr three times daily for over three years, and have had different manufacturers or brands of the pills. I have not notice, nor experienced any severe changes, physically or mentally, however I have noticed that the quality of the manufacturer are different. Not necessarily in potency or strength, but in the quality of the pill staying together, the round ones have the tendency to fall apart easier. Like they are almost powdery, extremely dry and brittle, but the square ones are the best. They will stay together, but like I said, strength wise I have not notice anything and I have been on Meth for over three years now for pain management.
If I forget to take a dose I will notice it later, for the strength of Meth builds up over a time, the more pills that you take, the stronger the meds become. I take three and sometimes four per day, which will total about forty grams per day, good luck everyone. As for the generics, I seriously believe that a manufacturer does make a different, not in strength of the Meth, but the quality of the pill staying together.
Good luck, and God Bless.

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There are many generic companies that's where the big money is. I'm on liquid methadone and mine is always clear like water then one months it switched to cherry flavored red about 30 people at my clinic relapsed that months because they said it did not hold them and was fake but the other 1000 people were fine and the only thing that was different was the active and inactive ingredients I hope I have been a hell I have been on methadone for 5 years straight I'm in the middle of tapering down I was at 115 I'm now it 60 milligrams a lot of people on this message board and made a lot of sense a lot of it is in your head and a lot of it is in active inactive ingredients so thank you for reading and I hope I've helped somebody.

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Yes I've been on methadone for about three years now taking the mallinckrot and roxane brands with no problem and help with my severe back pain. I live here in Kansas and every pharmacy here switched to the s***ty acsend brand first day of taking them put me in almost full blown withdraws severe migrane and diarrhea not only that putting me in the hospital! This went on everyday for two miserable weeks until after about ten pharmacies one still had the mallinkrot brand. Besides the point this acsend manufacturer should be put out of business I hate the Acsend brand period! This medication is supposed to help you not make you feel like total crap and potentially kill people from withdraws!

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That's weird the federal guidelines should make it so u atleast get your 10 milligrams some needs to take one of those pills and pay to have it tested to see what it is and how many mg are in the pill

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no way would it make it through your digestive system they bust down soon as you put them in your mouth

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I worked in a Pharmacy and fyi if you call around looking for high power meds (Sched. 2's) we are trained to tell you we don't have them in stock due to possible robbery. Also if you don't use that pharmacy on a regular basis and you walk up with a script we are also told to say we don't have those or that quanity due to fake and stolen script pads. So if u need a Sched. 2 it is best to stick with 1 pharmacy and get to know your Pharmacists and Techs. Aand when you need your meds on a regular schedule of course they will be more and willingly to order and keep in stock the manufacturer you like. Just some insider advice!!!

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