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Can I take my tramadol tonight after taking 25 mg ephedra this morning

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Based on information I'm finding pertaining to drug interactions, in my opinion it would be best to wait at least a day or two in between doses. Reason being is that both Tramadol and Ephedrine are known to cause seizures individually, and taking the two together in such a short time frame may increase your risk of seizures THAT much more. So it's probably just a good idea to play it safe if you have any reservations about this.

The estimated half life of Tramadol is reported to be up to 6-7 hours, whereas half the dose you took and then half of that half would be divided every passing 6-7 hours until it's no longer working in your body. If you calculate this from the point of your first dose, it should be able to give you a closer estimate on when it might be ok to take the Ephedrine.

I hope this helps!

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