Incivek Forums

Recently active Incivek forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Incivek and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I am a 59 caucasian male. Have had Hep C for 30 years. Type 1a and 5-million viral load. Will begin triple therapy in two weeks (Incivek/Peg and RIBA). Waiting for agency to work out insurance, nursing care, education arrangements and all that. Should take first injection and beging orals around October 1. Any advice on how to prepare, what to expect, how to manage and cope and just to make my tx overall successful and as comfortable as possible. I will provide weekly updates for everyone to follow once I start. Good luck to everyone. ## I am a 56 Caucasian male.Probably Have had Hep C for 37 years.I am stage 3 Geno type 1a . I am finishing my 7 th week of the Incivek/Peg and RIBA. I guess my biggest fear was would I be able to do the injection, then I did it and wondered why nobody men...

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I have seen several posts praising this topical steroid for treatment of incivek rash. It did work great, but now I fear that people in treatment and perhaps their doctors are not being certain that this super steroidal foam could be contra-indicated for the same reasons as prednisone. Prednisone relies on the CYP3-A enzyme for clearance, the same enzyme suppressed by incivek. I am sure that even though clobetasol is topical, when applied on rashy areas it gets into the blood. Question then is does it also involve CYP3-A enzyme for clearance. ## I accidently used Clobetasol Propionate Cream 0.05 in place of my vaginal retrace creme. What will be the reaction?

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Has anyone heard anything regarding incivek treatment actually accelerating the onset of cirrhosis. I went through the treatment as long as I could until the side effects became unbearable. Months later my health turned for the worse and now I am diagnosed with cirrhosis. I wonder how many other people have experienced this. Maybe should be disclosed as a possible side effect. ## Hello, Stan! How are you? No, I'm not finding any reports of Incivek causing this. Did they definitively tie it to the use of the medication? Or is this just your own theory? ## It is my own theory. I am hoping that more people have experienced a similar sequence of events and a community can emerge.

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Male, age 56 here. I was on the Incivek treatment plan and am here to report that I almost died at 9 weeks of treatment. ## I had the rash start slow, it became worse, and worse. I could not walk, my skin was peeling from my body. I am now scared for life. Don't know what life means anymore. To all be careful, when you start getting real sick they will tell to keep taking it, if T did that I would now be dead. I started taking this in march of 2012. ## Wow! I am so sorry, Joe. That had to be terrifying and I understand the way you feel. However, the good news is that life gets better. While terrifying events that endanger your life can cause confusion and depression, you have to give yourself time to deal with them and come to terms with everything. There is still plenty of meaning ...

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Why can you only take incevek once in a lifetime? ## Hi Sussie, I don't quite understand your question. Could you elaborate? Here's some information regarding Incivek that may be of help to you: ----INDICATIONS AND USAGE--------------------------- INCIVEK is a hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3/4A protease inhibitor indicated, in combination with peginterferon alfa and ribavirin, for the treatment of genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in adult patients with compensated liver disease, including cirrhosis, who are treatment-naïve or who have been previously treated with interferon-based treatment, including prior null responders, partial responders, and relapsers. (1) • INCIVEK must not be used as monotherapy and must only be used in combination with peginterferon alfa and r...

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has anyone had a cure result six post treatment. i find out in two weeks and i cannot find any site that the great cure results. should i expect another big fat sorry charlie, try again. ## Hello, If you're interested, here is a link to a thread where people in the community share their experiences with Incivek treatment. Discuss/Incivek-Treatment-222801.htm I hope you will be able to find some positive feedback! Everyone is different, so even if this treatment doesn't work out for others, that doesn't mean it won't work for you! I hope this helps. :)

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Has anyone heard if you have had a liver transplant not to take this medicine? My brother had a liver transplant in Dec. 2011. They wanted to wait a year before treating the Hep C. He was doing great up until August of 2012 and then he started getting sick again. We are just waiting for him to be approved for the meds but I guess I really want to know is if anyone has heard of the drug not being approved for someone who has had a liver transplant. To all of you going through this pray you get through this and keep up your fight! ## Hi kelly, According to, those with an organ transplant should use caution before taking Incivek: However I haven't come across any interactions in my research that might expla...

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Has anyone heard if you have had a liver transplant not to take this medicine? My brother had a liver transplant in Dec. 2011. They wanted to wait a year before treating the Hep C. He was doing great up until August of 2012 and then he started getting sick again. We are just waiting for him to be approved for the meds but I guess I really want to know is if anyone has heard of the drug not being approved for someone who has had a liver transplant. To all of you going through this pray you get through this and keep up your fight!


Just started triple tx on nov 5, 2012. Two weeks test shows platelet count dropped from 149 to 109. Doc said we'll watch it . Is this normal? ## I started the triple therapy on 9/21/12 and my platelets were low even before I started (140). I am week 10 and my platelet count is 53. What almost stopped me (other the side effects) was my WBC which fell to 2. Here is my story, I have has HepC for 25 years and have been through two other treatments. First the Interferon, nothing. Then, in 2003, the Pegasys with Ribroviran. My viral load went undetectable after a month but came back making me a relapse patient. Now on the triple death therapy I am virus free after week 8 but I am not celebrating yet. When I started in September I had no side effects until week four. Then the hemmoroids ca...

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Can you drink whole milk before you take incivek? ## Incivek has to be taken with fat, to improve absorption in the body, so it has the most beneficial effect, so yes, even taking it with the milk, rather than water would be a great idea. Learn more Incivek details here. Are there any other questions or comments?

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Anyone have a remedy for all of this dang Itching? ## Incivek contains the active ingredient Telaprevir, which is used to treat Hepatitis-C and a rash is a very common side effect of it. Learn more Incivek details here. How severe is your Hepatitis? What kind of shape is your liver in? Are the enzymes elevated? I'm not sure what might be safe for you to use in this case. Have you tried asking your doctor?

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What are my options. I completed 6 mo of tx with Incivek. I was undetectable at 1 mo, 3 mo and post tx. at 6 mo post tx blood test showed I had relapsed. This was my 3rd tx. I relapsed from peg tx as soon as I stopped. That was in 2001. I have been crushed by this news, but I am not willing to give up on a cure. What are my options? ## Have they tried you on any combinations of the drugs yet, or just on single drug preparations? Learn more Hep C details here. If you read the above article, you'll see that in some cases a combination of the drugs is tried, so that might be what you need to do. Has your doctor made any other suggestions?

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I was on Incivik, Pegysis and Riboviran for 9 weeks, unfortunately my dr. took me off as I have a gene that resists the antivirus..and I failed this treatment. However, I was fine for the 9 weeks, I am only 134 lbs and gained only about 1 lb. through the 9 weeks even eating all that fat 3 x a day. But the dr. said I was strong willed that is why I did not get real bad side affects like fatique and itchy skin and a light rash. When the dr. took me off the drugs I got withdrawel affects so bad, tight legs, swollen legs, fast breathing, bad rash under my skin on legs, headache, pulling muscles, muscle aches, restless legs, insomia,dry and itchy scalp and hair loss it was terrible. Is anyone out there that had any problems like this ???? It would be nice to know I am not alone...but don'...

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I'm supposed to be starting treatment with incivek but insurance wouldn't approve it, but did approve victrelis! Once cured with full treatment are you cured for life?? ## It's actually difficult to say, Hepatitis C can be cured in 50 to 80% of the people that have it, but the others usually have a chronic infection that lingers in their livers. Has your doctor given you any idea of your possible prognosis?

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i currently have no insurance because im full time student but once i do get insurance how difficult is it to get the medication and has anyone received it for free like the company claims to do if u qualify? ## Getting insurance to pay isn't that hard, if you have a good Dr., they will go to bat for you with insurance company.Obviously it's quite expensive and even after insurance pays their part, there's still a pretty big co-pay, mine was over $600 per month per Rx. You can get co-pay financial aid from the medicine companys, I'll include a link to each: Patient Authorization and Notice of Release of Information form They each paid the full co-pay for me, but you can't be on Medicare or Medicade. Good ...

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I am to start Incivek with Peginterferon and Ribovarin. What are the most common side effects? ## I have been on this treatment for 3 weeks now. I was very tired the first week and felt nausea frequently. Then came a bout with hemorrhoids. The Nausea is subsiding on it's own. Changes in diet like not using cheese and peanut butter for the 20 grams of fat you're supposed to ingest with incivek has helped. I'm noticing more hair left in my brush when I brush it so I'm taking it easy on that. Trying to use a wide toothed comb and just tie my hair back. May end up cutting it. That's about it though. I work 50 plus hours a week, run or hike regularly, and play in 2 bands with shows every weekend and as long as I hydrate, eat when I know I should even if I don't feel l...

11 REPLIES Updated

Hello planning on taking my 1st PegInt shot thursday eve I am a non responder but only had very mild side symptoms last time. I'm retired and chose Thursday a good pre-weekend shot day My question is If I inject Thursday night should I start the Incivek and Riba on Thursday (or Fri) Morning?. Since I also take as many as 6 other meds in morning and 4 more around dinner time Does it seem like a good plan to offset the TX drugs from my regulars by about an hour? (before breakfast/Incivek, after dinner/Incivek Thanks ## The hardest thing you are actually going to need to deal with is the every 8 hours schedule. For me this ended up being 7, 3, 11. I started all medications on Thursday, agree with your choice of Thursday for the shot. I was a previous relapse and find that the Peg-Int s...

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