How Long Does Oxycodone/apap 10mg/325 Stay In Your System


I was in a car wreck a week ago and have my meds in my truck they did a blood test on me to see if i was on drugs. i had taken 1 about 4 1/2 hours before the test would that show as being intoxicated

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It might, most narcotics are usually detectable for up to 5 days, after taking them. Intoxication or under the influence, however, will depend on the levels found of it and can vary from state to state.

What type of test did they do? Urine, blood, saliva?


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I took a oxycodone/apap 10 mg last night around 10pm for neck pain. I forgot I had to get blood work and lab testing done- will this show up in my blood and urine. Would this show up the same as hydrocodone/apap ?

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i believe it is bloodwork and urine. I have a prescription for the hydrocodone but not the oxy- that prescription belongs to my husband.

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I have never taken this before, but Saturday at noon I bit off a corner on a half of a 10mg oxycodone tablet. I have my first probation appointment Monday morning. Will it be in my system, any feedback appreciated! Also I have never been on probation before, do they test you and what kind of test will they do?

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I see I'm a bit late answering these questions but it's in the top 5 Google searches so anyway:

Oxycodone will show up as an Opiate in a drug panel.
Hydrocodone will also show up an an Opiate in a drug panel.

In regards to probation - it all depends on your terms through your court. If the probation is non-drug related, they rarely ask for random samples.

I got a DUI and they never asked me to come in to my Probation Officer. Just have to mail in the sheet every month with a payment.

Word of advice: It's always cheaper to take a cab when taking heavy narcotics you're not used to or after drinking even 1 or 2. This is from personal experience (the drinking part).

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I am on a Methadone program which I have worked so hard to have clean urines and to build my take homes status up. I have had leg surgery and got prescribed oxycodone at which I only used when I was in severe unbearable pain. Therefore I have some on hand. Well I decided since my pain level had got so bad on Saturday afternoon to go ahead and take a 10mg of oxycodone. I had to go back into my program today which is Tuesday morning and the first thing they asked me to do is take a urine test. I was like thinking to myself doesnt it figure. I am worried because technically I am supposed to have finished all those pills months ago. So I need to know if anyone would know if its going to show up in my system. Its been about 67 hours. Im so nervous I dont want to losr my take homes.

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Hi Nicole, I am jst here to give you support. Do you know when you will be getting the results from your test? Try not to worry or be scared. Usually the Oxycodone stays in your system 3-4 days, but tell them your story why you took one and they may be very understanding.. best of luck to you... deliteful

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How did it go hun because i am in the same situation u are in now i have to pee tomorrow am im so scared plz let me know if possible hun?? plz if you would e-mail me if possible {edited for privacy} thank you so much again in advance!!

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Will lortab or percocet be detectable in a blood or urine test after 96 hrs? I took a percocet 5 on wed and lortab 5 on Thursday and had to be tested on Monday. Before that it had been about 5 days since I had taken anything and I never took more than one a day. I weigh 140.

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No, it would show up as oxycodone, and depending on the intricacy of the test, both oxy, codone, and morphine.

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I would think technically, depending on what state your in as long as the date on your bottle is still valid you should be good, and honestly, it probably won't even show up. I dont know if this helps, but whenever you take a urine test, catch your pee in the cup midstream, never at the beginning. I've had oxy and methadone both in my system before and passed a screening this way. Granted it was probably a cheap 5 panel test kit, I passed.

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