How Long Does It Take For Hydrocodone To Get Out Of Your System (Page 2)


I have been on hydrocodone for five years 10 mg for what started out for back pain. The time has come for me to stop since it has become an addiction.

I will be out Friday 05/11/2012 and will begin to detox myself @ home. just wanting to know how long they take to get out of your system, and things to do to help while going through the with drawl process.

30 Replies (2 Pages)

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tramadol is addictive; it metabolizes through the brain and body the same way that hydrocodone/narcotics do; that is why tramadol is a controlled med now. It does help to come off of hydro by using tramadol, so one step at a time....

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If I take 1 hydrocodone today and 1 tomorrow, when will it be out of my body?

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I have been taking hydro 7.5 for 11 days now. How long will it stay in my body for? I really need to know an honest answer! Thanks.

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hey Nicole they don't stay in your body long drink a lot of water and pee a lot and they will be out sooner

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I took about 10 pills a day back in the 90s for severe back pain and my dr fed then to me like candy. I went cold turkey a and I thought I was going to die. ...I started taking them again after my divorce and bought them from a dealer and I knew I couldn't go through that again so went to rehab and they gave me suboxen for 7 days.'s amazing but it's not supposed to be taken for long periods of time. I had small withdrawals but only lasted about 3 days and they were mild! When I did it on my own they lasted for 21 days and it was pure hell!

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I need a pain medencine that would stop my back from hurting it goes to my leg real badpain i am a type 2 dibetuc

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I have a U/A Dec. 15th. I haven't taken any hydro's in 11 days. Will they be out of my system by then?

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To Peace and Love..Let me get this straight, you are a pain management patient who is prescribed Suboxone.. The doctor has told you if you are on any other opiates you can go to jail?? Unless you are on Probation or Parole for drug offenses, your doctor is lying to you. This is just so wrong on so many levels it makes no sense. I would hire a lawyer ASAP. No doctor can have you arrested for such a stupid reason.. You signed a contract saying that if you take any other opiate than what your prescribed you can be thrown off, but as for going to jail that is illegal unless you are as I said before on Probation or Parole.

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Re: Nacolla (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

How do you get off the suboxin???

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Re: lynz0803 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I was on tramadol. And I did get addicted to it but I was on three pills a day and having a hard time getting off of it.

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