HIV Immunogen Forums

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I am on ARV since september last year, 4months on Tenarenz which managed to make my viral load undetectable, since its nolonger on market I've changed to Eflaten which contains same ingredients, Can someone tell me if this Eflaten will manage to maintain my viral load undetectable. Thanks. ## Hello, Siffy! How are you? If it contains the same active ingredient, then it should work for just as well as the other one. I can't say you'll stay undetectable, because sometimes our bodies get used to a medication and it may not be as effective. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Good day Can you tell me if I have yellow eyes due to HiV treatment should ## Hi, I just started using Eflaten..i first experience minor side effects but in a month i seems OK...But now I have big pi...

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I am infected with HIV virus but i dont know where take it. So i dont make sex to any body and i dont remember having sex with any body. What i have remember in china i help person who has involve in car accident but my hand have an open wound. I s there any possibility that i took that virus on that guy? I have to undergone my physical examination last february and my Hiv is Re active? is there any possibility that my HIV must be non re active if i drink medicine like immunosin or any medicine. Any body can email me for suggestion on my health. ## i have been dignosised with hiv ## my sister name is pavithra, affected by hiv starting stage so how to cure this virus ## hi! chirstian yes u may get infected wth hiv coz if u have an open wound when u try to safe him. honestly there no cure...

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