Fill Out Of State Oxycodone Prescription In Louisiana Plze Help My Script Is Frm Mississippi.?


Mississippi script I live in Bogalusa where can I fill it in Louisiana my drugstore in Mississippi we're out today anyone knw wer else I can fill them Its oxycontin 30mg. # 140 count Thx."

2 Replies

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If it's of any help to your search - listed below is a pharmacy-locator, that uses your zip code to find nearby pharmacies within a given mile range:

Phone numbers and addresses are included in the list so I would suggest visiting a number of them to see if anyone can fill your prescription (calling them generally isn't recommended, as they are sometimes trained to say no on the phone if a stranger is asking for narcotics). I'd also consider looking at online pharmacies as a last resort if this doesn't work out.

I hope this helps!

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Try st claude pharmacy in new orleans, its on st claudes st... I know they were filling Mississippi scripts 2 mknths ago when I went... dont call just go bc they always tell u no on the phone...

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