Factive Forums

Recently active Factive forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Factive and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

white scored GE320 ## This is 320mg Factive. It is an antibiotic commonly used to treat pneumonia or bronchitis. Side effects include diarrhea, headache, confusion. ## You know, it is so nice to have someone else here with me now, so when I am offline for a day or so, the boards aren't swamped with a bunch of people getting frustrated because they didn't get their answers yet. That is what I used to deal with here all the time. Yesterday, was a bad day for me, and I just wasn't able to get back online after I got back from my doc's appointment Nene. You won't believe what I did, well yeah, you probably will believe it, talk about forgetful though, geez. I knew we had to leave here by 9 as our family doc's office is over an hour and a half away from us, and you ne...

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