Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Huntsville Al (Page 3)
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My pain management doc got investigated and now hes closed his practice down. I was getting 30mg oxycodone 5 times a day and morphine 15mg 2 times a day. Does anybody know a doctor in huntsville alabama that will keep me on my meds, need answer ASAP!

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Creekside Drugs Athens AL will fill any rx's including out of state ones.

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I can't find a doc to write my meds. I've been in pm for years. My doc got shut down and I can't find a new one. Can you help me... {edited for privacy}

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I will happily go in with you on that legal suit. Let me know if you are serious..

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They are scamming people! They use to change $200 but when some of the other Dr. Offices closed they went up....It is a crime what they are doing so don't be supprised when the DEA close their doors..

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Try horizons medical in Madison,al on hwy 72 west and wall triana Dr Webster is who you need to see let him know your pain level he will prescribe

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A friend of a friend gave me name of 'allegedly' compassionate pain doc. Dr Verna Bain in Portland, TN....I'm on blood thinners and when out of pain meds and my pain levels are high my PR/INR levels go out of whack and I bruise just by sitting....She accused me of a drug injector and said every bruise is result of drug abuse! Even the bruises from recent blood work AND burns on my hand from falling while reaching for pizza in oven, we're all drug injection sites! She said "I can give you Suboxone to help you get off drugs" I said "Good because that helps with pain"! Then she said, "NEVERMIND! You must admit you have a problem before I give you a prescription" I said, "but I'll get it forever right?" She said "No"! Only 3 months to get you off opiates" LOL so I paid $300 to go to a known pill doc and get turned down because she can't tell the difference between a drug addict and one on blood thinners in need of legit pain meds...perhaps a call to the DEA on her will stop her...

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Who cares if folks are asking where to find a doctor because Dr.Agg, that's what I call him.. Anyways, who cares, I'm not looking at there name and hell I know what it's like not having a doctor but I never went to that quack anyways an hell he's so dumb that he should have known he couldn't write all that stuff to EVERYONE THAT WALKED IN HIS OFFICE!!! I DON'T LIVE IN HUNTSVILLE BUT YOU'RE DUMB CONSIDERING IT DOESN'T HURT ANYONE TO TELL SOMEONE WHERE THEY COULD FIND A DOCTOR. OF COURSE, YOU DON'T TELL YOUR FRIENDS OR ENEMIES WHO YOU GO TO!!!

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I was getting 120 30mg per month from doc have multiple surgeries and chronic pain issues if anyone can help me please my doc got shut down I can go to huntsville Decatur was going to gadsden I need any info to help can go to Albertville boaz all about same distance

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PAINPATIENTADVOCATE - you are so right! I'm in TN and in Feb. I thought my pain doc stopped taking my TennCare United health plan...when I called them for a new doc every number they gave me was either a pain doc that no longer took my ins. Or a Pain Interventionist. And they don't intervene against your pain, they intervene against your pain meds!!!! I understand obummer doesn't want Pain Patients but want us all either on suboxone or an 'accidental' overdose.....he is trying to eliminate all of us who are useless as laborers when the new world order hits....He just spent like 44million so addiction places can all add 100 more beds! In the first visit of my last pain doc he looked at me and whispered, "but DEA" and ran out of the room!" I had to fire him cause I kept picturing all the obedient doctors and surgeons during the Nazi Regime and the horrible medical atrocities they performed on the Jews and other resistant folks. It will come to that unless the doctors, who have a louder voice than us, stand up for what's right...I was going to switch to Bluw Care and just found out today that they also no longer cover Pain Docs....It's a horrible situation out there for sure.... We're left with cash doctors who are compassionate but who has $300? I know I can't sell my pills because they never really give you enough in the first place, although if you don't take an ER opiate, you don't need as many breakthrough (they fight against each other-it's a scam to cause addiction) and we all know marijuana helps to take less pills but it's illegal where I am... So here's a few pills, not every four hours like they're meant to be taken but every six so you suffer a bit and no, even though cannabis will give you a perfect pill count; well we can't really have that now can we? WTF?

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She cannot write and even if u do everything right follow all her orders she will drop you like a hot potato for no reason

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I was using Dr conner, she can't write under audit they call it. I love Dr conner, she is caring, gives drug panels, pill counts. In Feb she started the new rules immediately. She does not over prescribe. She is not a pill mill, but a wonderful compassionate lady trying to help people. You were not a number to her. She was a caring person staying within the limits and she isn't closed but can't write any narcotics. I'm waiting for her to reopen. I will go back because she really cares and tries to help.

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She just got shut down. I think we all need to go to Alexander Shennara (?sp) and file a civil rights or ADA legal case. I am not a lawyer obviously. But not having the ability to have pain relief, especially when you a documented illness (cancer, muscular dystrophy---ie MS, MG, ALS, neuropathy, etc) is definitely a problem.

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I left my chronic pain doctor because after 2 years on the medication oxycodone 10/325 4 times a day, neurontin 4 times a day, and xanax 1 a day was not helping enough either. My quality of life is going way down hill. I need oxy 30 5 times a day, xanax 4 times a day, the other one is okay. Can someone get me a doctor who can prescribe what I need in Huntsville, AL? {edited for privacy}

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Have you heard anything about Odeane Connor M.D. in Gasden. I've read some reviews and alot of people seem to like her. I'm looking for a Pain management doctors to go to because mine closed down at the end of December.

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Until all the pain patients in AL start really raising hell with Montgomery and the Medical examiner's office? Everyone will be stuck suffering for God knows how long. AL sounds just as bad as what's happening in TN. Your human rights for pain care are being trampled upon.
Start fighting back! If patients don't join together to fight back against these inhumane acts that are being done to citizens, the future for AL pain management is very bleak and probably will not exist much longer if you allow it. All these politicians who are causing so many to suffer need to be voted OUT! United together we stand, divided you fall!

It's time to push for the National Pain Strategy to be implemented. It's been on the Senate table since 2009. Alabama's Government is causing severe harm to all suffering legitimate chronic pain patients in this state! Stand up for your Rights. Stop allowing the government to take away your quality of life.

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Now in Gadsden they have shut down pain managements that were there for years. Before long there won't be any pain managements left in Gadsden, AL. The most recent shut down was really unfair. The doctor jumped through hoops to meet the DEA guidelines. Cutting patients back within DEA standards. This made a lot of patients mad but the doctor was trying to keep their license and prevent this from happening. There was another pain Managment in the area that had been open for years as well, but they weren't cutting patients back or following guidelines that was shut down around a month or two before. I know people that went to both. When this happened the doctor that has just got shut down took in a lot of the the other doctor's patients because they needed a place to go. I have a feeling that this doctor that wasn't following the regulations got the other doctor in trouble because they were jealous they had lost their license. These doctors started out roughly around the same time in the area both working for another pain Managment (was the largest in Gadsden that was shut down back around 2013 although they did reopen under other doctors but the main doctor got in trouble for pushing epidurals blocks on people and possibly pretending to preform them and now they are closed again I think). The point is if the 3 biggest pain managements in that area have been systematically closed down in the last 5 years, where are the people supposed to go. There are not enough pain managements in the area to accommodate people. Also if one of these (the latest to be closed) was following everything and being super careful then what chance do other pain managements have? And this is just in Gadsden, this isn't counting all the pain clinics in other places in AL being closed down. The DEA along with the Governor, and our President are going to end up pushing people to illicit drugs and we will have a huge epidemic in AL. Some may move (but I hear this isn't just AL where this is happening, I heard it was a lot of states in the USA) and some may get on methadone going to a MMT or go on suboxone but with MMT costing $12-$16 a day and suboxone also being expensive, a lot of people will turn to the cheapest route to get out of pain and sadly that would be illicit drugs. It is sad that our government would prefer people to be on illegal drugs instead of a closely monitored safe environment getting the medicine they need.

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They did the exact same thing to me been in horrible pain since 1993 NEVER EVER LET THEM DO A LUMBAR PUNCH. BOTTOM LINE

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Decatur she meant.. its in north alabama. 30 mins away from huntsville

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Do NOT see Dr. Scherlis from ten valley pain comsultants. Not sure ab the other doctors there but he will NOT give you medication. He will, but it wont be much. I have herniated discs and bulging discs along with DDD and he pushed me into getting epidurals and even though i have been on 10mg norcos 3 times a day for 7 months, he said thay was too much and said he would only give me 5mg Norco 2times a day. What a joke. Didnt even talk about weaning me down either. So basically he wants to send patients into withdrawls

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