Cardace 10 Mg Side Effects


I have been taking cardace 10mg. tablets 2 tabs per day for the past 3 years. Is there any side effects if taken for a long time.

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Cardace contains the active ingredient Ramipril, it is an ACE inhibitor that is used to treat high blood pressure and cardiac conditions.

There are always risks associated with taking any medication for a long period of time, however, if you have high blood pressure or a cardiac condition, the dangers to you are far greater if you don't use the medication to keep them under control.

However, I cannot provide you any information on those risks, because at this time, long-term trials have not been done.

Have you discussed this with your doctor?


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have been taking cardace 10 mg once a day for last 9 years,so far no issue ,but I am eager to know whether prolonged use has any side effects. this has been prescribed to keep the protection on kidney owing to diabetic conditions which ,under control now. For Bp been taking tenor if 50 mg once.

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