Can Lidocaine Test Positive For Cocaine In A Hair Test


I have a small delivery/transportation business in Ohio. My husband & I decided to grow our company by purchasing a vehicle that requires a CDL B. The guy we have driving that truck has his class A but if he quit or needed a day off we had no one to fill in so I took classes to get my CDL A's in March of 2014. After receiving my CDL’s [for experience & financial reasons] I made the decision to sign on & drive for a large trucking company in June of 2014. The company performed a hair drug test on me but apparently did not get they're results until after I started the orientation.

During my orientation the MRO called & tells me that I tested positive for cocaine. I knew that there had been a mistake because I am not a drug user. He asked me had I been to the ear nose & throat doctor or had any dental work lately. It had been a year since I had seen my ear nose & throat doctor but my dentist visit was more recent. I had a tooth extraction that resulted in dry socket where they used xylocaine. I had also had a recent breast biopsy where I was told that lidocaine was injected. The MRO said that none of those would have caused a positive reading for cocaine and they sent me home. I have not used any illegal drugs since I was a teenager. I am 44 years of age. I called every doctor I could think of that I had seen in the last year and had them send me a list of all medications they had prescribed me. Also on my way home from orientation I called pre-paid legal & told the attorney that I was headed straight to a different drug testing facility to get re-tested. He advised me to call him back after I got the results so we can proceed. I get the results from this other facility & it came back positive as well. I have not called the pre-paid legal attorney back yet because I don't know what to tell him.

So, I scheduled an appointment with my family doctor to see if he could explain what the hell was happening to me. I also took with me to that appointment all of the different teas, vitamins, prescriptions, etc that I had used. My doctor was stumped because he knows I have no history of illegal drug use. He asked me had I possibly been around someone who had maybe smoked it in a cigarette or in marijuana. I told him, "not to my knowledge". It was obvious that he was not going to be able to offer me an explanation.

I keep google'ing my situation praying for some kind of answer but everything I read leads me to a dead-end. This is bothering me so badly. I can not seem to let this go. Please if you have any answers or advice that might be able to shed some light on what could possibly be happening to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

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1. a synthetic crystalline powder, C 14 H 22 N 2 O, used as a local anesthetic and also in the management of certain arrhythmias.

Origin Expand

(acetani)lid(e) + -o- + -caine, extracted from cocaine (to designate an anesthetic)

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Did you ever find out anything? I am having the same issue!! I had a hair test and cocaine came up but I did have dental work. I have not used any type of drugs!!

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April, I have not had any luck getting answers. This is frustrating to say the least. I am not giving up though. I would like to be able to find & stay in contact with other people that this has happened to. So, as soon as I learn/know something I will post it here. Thank you!

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I don't understand what any of that means. Also, I was told by a few different doctors that lidocaine will not show up as cocaine in your system. Thank you for your reply.

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I am having the same problem. I tested positive for cocaine and crack. I have taken cocaine in the past but not recently and i have NEVER used crack. I was ordered by the court to have hair strand test through a child care plan. I willingly had the test knowing i hadnt used any drugs. And now i dont know what to do. I might lose my kids over this false test result. I have had dental anesthetic, amoxicilin, antidepressents, codeine and a few other over counter drugs for colds,coughs and pain all before the tested period,during and still.

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Hi, I just got fired from work, my hair test came out positive and I do not use any drugs at all. I havent been to a dentist or any other doctor at all, how can this happen, please I need some help.

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Hi Laura. There is an answer for all of this and I will keep searching the internet and speaking to people who have had the same experience. What's so unfair about the whole process is that, it depends on who you ask. Some doctors say that certain medications can show up as cocaine in your system & some say it's impossible. It's so unfair that it is just a matter of 'who you ask'. I have not contacted one yet but I was told that good DUI attorneys can help.

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IV, I have not found anything very helpful. Please stay in touch & let me know if you are able to get any answers. There are several people that this is happening to so there is an explanation. Please stay encouraged.

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With the world knowing this is happening, why hasn't someone stepped in and offered a solution?

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Re: Teddy Boy (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Right cause I'm going through the same thing right now you would think someone has some answers by now

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Re: Wondering (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Has anyone found out where the positive cocaine result is coming from. I've been told that Mydasis and modsfinil or armodifnil can come up positive for cocaine. Mydasis is a fairly new medicine so I haven't found a lot of info on it.

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