Broke Open Fluoxetine


I decided to break open my 40mg capsule and swallow it. BAD IDEA. It burned my throat like no tomorrow and made my whole head numb....Gross tasting and made me vomit. Whoever might think this a good idea... Just don't do it! Oh and it made me feel like I was choking to death also....Great...Worse than the anxiety I already had. Perfect...

15 Replies

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It is to prevent such effects, that they are made into a capsule form. Many medications will do odd things if you ingest them improperly, that is why tablets and capsules were invented.

And yes, most of them also taste disgusting.

Thanks for posting the warning for others!


Are you feeling better, now?

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Whoever has to take fluoxetine make sure they drink lot's of water with it .I had just finished a night shift and took my capsule with maybe only 2 small mouthfuls of water.I kind of knew I hadn't quite had enough to get it all the way down but was too tired to get up and drink more, an hour later I woke up and the pain where the capsule had sat? was really bad, like a hole had been etched into my eosaphagus (or extreme localised heartburn).Finally after constant drinking of water, milk and even eating ice cream for 30 minutes it's easing and is now bearable.

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I took one while driving with no water available and it opened in my throat.. It felt like it was burning a hole in my throat and yes .. Also numbing and pain at the same time.. And Nausea..i quickly pulled over and ran into CVS and grabbed the first drink I found and gulped it down.. Here I am 3 days later in the middle of the night and cant sleep because it feels like I have a hole burned into my throat where the pill broke. There should be an extra warming on this particular pill. I'm hoping it doesn't turn into something worse down the road. Email if you need more info at {edited for privacy}

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I take fluoxitene. I've had it from two mfgrs. Both suppliers' products opened in my throat. I'm concerned about it damaging the esophagus lining--it burns throat and nose like crazy for a good 10 min. I've never had a problem with swallowing any medication. I've tried drinking first, then taking the pill--drinking milk, then taking the pill--drinking tons of water to wash it down when I take it. The capsule still opens at random times and sends me into a tailspin. I have contacted the FDA and the manufacturers to register this reaction. Both said they never heard this before. Please--if you're having this problem, get in touch with both of them. Good luck. I don't think there is a method to keep it from happening.

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Hi Jill, I have just had one split in my mouth, spat it out & rinsed as quickly as possible, horrible taste & wee bit of a burning on my tongue
Were you ok after your experience? Did you seek medical advice?

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I just opened one of my tablets because I got curious, and not wanting to waste the pill because I was dumb enough to open it, I just decided to try to take it with it open. bad idea. my tounge is numb and It just feels really weird. I was wondering if I was okay. but yeah, that's good advice. don't do that.

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An hour ago I had Fluoxetine stuck in my throat and broke open. It was stuck by my windpipe and I could barely breathe. An hour later I am breathing but coughing and wheezing badly. Powder got sucked into my windpipe and has been causing wheezing, cough and a terrible burning sensation in my esophagus.

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Well today (26/06/2017) I left the house to head out to work but not with a regular drink to take my fluoxetine at my usual scheduled time. The mistake I made is taking my meds without water. l now have excruciating chest pain. Got access to water, drank some and still the pain is here.

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Re: bippy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on fluoxetine for ten years, and at least once every couple of months this happens to me. It's esophageal spasms. It even happens when I drink a full glass of water with it. Ive been breaking the capsules and mixing the powder in water (which some doctors advise against, and others say is safe) for the last week or so, and so far, no spasms. Just drink it quickly because it's quite bitter!!!

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Going through this, I took it with just two sips of water and went to bed and woke up running to the kitchen drinking and eating anything I could but it was too late. Pain in the middle of my throat like I was choking but not really just so painful. Wish I would of been warned I’m sitting here at 3 am with my throat feeling like i swallowed a huge rock.

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I also have had the problem of it getting stuck in my throat. I figured out that if I take it with a mouth full of yogurt it usually goes down ok. Also, if I don’t have access to yogurt I have tried soaking the pill in a little bit of water for 2-3 mins till it’s a little soggy-crazily enough that seems to help.

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I have been prescribed Fluoxetine for many years and recently a new manufacture to me Actavis, supplied the medication. The side effects of burning are so intense and prolonged that I am so reluctant to take the medication but know I have to.

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yea that just happend to me. i find a glass of milk helps a bit.

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Fiancé just had this happen, glass of yogurt seemed to have helped for a bit.

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Broken fluoxetine capsule how long does it take for throat stop hurting

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