Bicitra Forums

Recently active Bicitra forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Bicitra and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I am trying to find more of a understanding about the use of Bicitra with regard to Gastro Esophigal Reflux Disease. I was recently given about 1-2 oz. of Bicitra in a clear liquid form chilled with ice prior to being sedated for a EDG and Colonoscopy. This was administered in a controlled environment at a local hopital's In/Out Surgery Department. How is it administered as a treatment therapy, if one should be prescribed this drug by one's physician? ## It is available, by prescription only, in several forms, not just the liquid you had at the hospital, you can get it in tablets and liquid for home use via prescription. It is actually systemic Citrate drug that is primiarly used to help balance the alkalinity of your urine to help prevent kidney stones, kidney stones that occur...

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