93 149


I'm trying to find out info on this pill that is pink and has 93 on one side and 149 on the other it is oval. can anyone tell me what it is I found a bottle in my 16 year old daughters room

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I also found this same pill at my fiance's house I think it is an antiinflamatory drug, or at least that is what he said. I am going to take it to my pharmacy and let them take a look. If you e-mail me back put the topic just to (Heather about Arbonne) because we share the same email and I don't want him knowing that I am trying to find out, but I will and I will let you know. Since you said it was a 16 year old it makes me doubt that it is what he said it is, so I will most defenantly find out what it is. PLEASE e-mail me with the statement I told you to put it under. I will find out tomorrow or the next day!

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I checked my mother's you have nothing to worry about as far as it being a narcotic. Although , you should be concerned that your daughter may be hiding an illness from you. I had Lupus and had an experimental bone-marrow stem cell transplant(my on stem cells)not the contraversial one where it is the embryo. But I do know that a doctor would not treat a 16yr old for an anti-inflamatory disease without your concent since she is a minor. However, someone could have given it 2 her and told her it was something else or she bought it from them. The pain killer(narcotic) especially loritabs are an epidemic in our country. you would be suprised at the people taking them that do not have prescriptions, they are buying them from people that do have scripts. If you are really that worried you can go to the drug store and buy a drug test for around 15 dollars. The loritabs or any painkillers in that family give most people alot of energy. I know this because I had Lupus and took them for a couple of years and took them as I was suppose to and still had a physical addiction to them. But they truely are an epidemic in our country from house wives to lawyers, you truely would be suprised. Luckily I was able to overcome it without rehab. But, my addiction was medical not just someone who wanted to take them. I don't know if you confronted her with it, but Naproxen can be used if she is an athelet and has had an injury where it caused swelling in a joint, so if she is an athelet someone she plays sports with could have had them and gave her one because her joints were hurting. Naproxen is a fast cure for joint inflamation. It could be very innocent that she had the pill. If you haven't mentioned it to her I would 4 the simple fact she could be hiding an injury from you. I hope I have helped you. I know I am very wordy but I had Lupus 4 over 10yrs and I am familiar with alot of drugs, thank GOD above that I don't have to take anything anymore. But, on the negative side if you have found anything out since you posted your statement about your daughter, please feel free to e-mail me. I can answer just about any ?'s about prescriptions because I have been all over the U.S. to the best doctors and have been on many things. Hope this has helped you.

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Naproxen 500mg

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It is a muscle relaxer, with small amount of pain reliever.

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Just to clarify, the pill in description is Naproxen (500 mg).

Naproxen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug commonly used for the reduction of moderate to severe pain, fever, inflammation and stiffness.

For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below...

If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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